The Return of the Living Dead

.That's cruel.
.l can't think of anything else to do.

You just can't burn animals alive.
lt's just too hideous.

At least let me kill them first.
Take them out in the parking lot,
and put 'em out of their misery.

l don't think that'd work.
l don't understand what's going on.
Why not?

.Can you swear to keep a secret?
.At this point, l don't know.

No, you got to swear.
You got to, or l just can't tell you.

.All right, l swear.

lt's not weasels in the bags.
No kidding. Look here.
Get it off!
l'm sorry.
No, it's all right.
We got a....
We got a long story to tell you.
Great. Some party.
What happened to Trash and Suicide?

Probably getting it on somewhere.
Don't even think it, Chuck.
God, when's 10:00 gonna come?
lf you wanna split,
we could both go somewhere.

You'd really like to do it with me,
wouldn't you?

.l mean, a girl like you and a guy like me.
.Go choke a chicken.

Come on, Casey. l was only kidding.
.Great, here's your friend and mine.
.Fuck you, ball buster.
