The Return of the Living Dead

l'm sorry.
No, it's all right.
We got a....
We got a long story to tell you.
Great. Some party.
What happened to Trash and Suicide?

Probably getting it on somewhere.
Don't even think it, Chuck.
God, when's 10:00 gonna come?
lf you wanna split,
we could both go somewhere.

You'd really like to do it with me,
wouldn't you?

.l mean, a girl like you and a guy like me.
.Go choke a chicken.

Come on, Casey. l was only kidding.
.Great, here's your friend and mine.
.Fuck you, ball buster.

My watch stopped. What time is it?
Going on 10:00.
Fudge. l'd better get over and find Freddy.
He's gonna be getting off any time.

Go ahead, we'll wait for you.
.Don't go anywhere, okay?
.All right.
