The Return of the Living Dead

Come on!
.Close the motherfuckin' windows.
.l don't have any windows.

l busted them.
.Hey, my skin burns.
.Me, too. Damn it.

lt's that rain, it's like acid rain.
Start the car!
lt's all over me.
A towel, somebody give me a towel.

.We ain't got no towel!
.Well, then give me something.

.Give me that.

Come on, start!
.Suicide, get the car going.
.l'm trying.

Crap, l wonder what's in that rain.
lt's coming down like
einen getrunken soldat.

.ls the heart gone, Ernie?
.lt's all burned up.

.Are you sure?
.Right up the chimney.

Goddamn, that's all we need.
We're home free, Frank.

We got it made. You just saved our ass,
buddy boy, and l owe you one. Goddamn!

Yes, you do.
Let's go to the warehouse, clean up,
and get the hell out of there.

What do you say, Frank?
Okay, just give me a second to rest
and catch my breath. Then we'll go, okay?

l don't know about you, but l'm really sick.
What's wrong, Fred?
l feel like hell is what's wrong.
l'm really sick.

l'm sick, too, Burt.
.Sick, like how?
.Like my head's going to bust wide open.

.And l want to puke. And l'm weak, too.
.Me, too. l got the chills.
