The Return of the Living Dead

.ls the heart gone, Ernie?
.lt's all burned up.

.Are you sure?
.Right up the chimney.

Goddamn, that's all we need.
We're home free, Frank.

We got it made. You just saved our ass,
buddy boy, and l owe you one. Goddamn!

Yes, you do.
Let's go to the warehouse, clean up,
and get the hell out of there.

What do you say, Frank?
Okay, just give me a second to rest
and catch my breath. Then we'll go, okay?

l don't know about you, but l'm really sick.
What's wrong, Fred?
l feel like hell is what's wrong.
l'm really sick.

l'm sick, too, Burt.
.Sick, like how?
.Like my head's going to bust wide open.

.And l want to puke. And l'm weak, too.
.Me, too. l got the chills.

lt's that stuff, Burt.
lt's that goddamn stuff we breathed.

What stuff? What are you talking about?
When that canister cracked,
this gas squirted out.

lt hit us right in the face.
We breathed it.
lt knocked us out.
.We were out cold, unconscious.

Shouldn't we get to a doctor
or something?

Yeah, l need a doctor.
l'm getting the car and taking
these guys to the emergency ward.

Let's go, Frank. You're gonna be
all right. l'm gonna get you....

Hey, Frank!
Come here, Ernie.
What's the matter? Talk to me.
Get him out of the rain.

l got to call my wife.
l gotta go to the hospital!

You can't run around in this storm.
You're too sick.

Take it easy.
.l'm gonna call an ambulance.
