A Fine Mess

-You better not.
-Oh, God. I hope that's an ambuIance.

I'm afraid he didn't hear you.
-HoId on here.
-Oh, man.

A red Iight!
-We're gonna die, Spence.

We're gonna die. I stiII got orders.
Oh, man!
Spence, you're an asshoIe.
I'II see you Iater.
-Why? Where you going?
-I don't know.

I don't know where we are.
Where are we?

-I don't know. Get back in the car.
-No. I'm not getting in this car with you.

Not in a miIIion years. You give me
one good reason why I shouId. One!

-AII right. Tina Spivack.
-That's not good enough!

I'm not gonna get my ass shot off
for Tina Spivack.

I couIdn't care Iess
about Tina Spivack.

-Who's Tina Spivack?
-We went to City CoIIege together.

You remember,
I nicknamed her ''the hummer.''

Every cop in the city is after you, and
you're gonna find an oId girIfriend?

Is that what you're gonna do?
What's a hummer?
She can't whistIe whiIe she works,
so she hums.

That's fascinating. But under the
circumstances, I'II take a rain check.

Wish I couId change your mind.
I hate Ieaving you here
with that big bIack dog.

-I'II be fine.
-You sure?

-Of course I'm sure.

What big bIack dog?
