
a genuinely subnormal person
to do them.

Last Week, he calls me up at
10:00 in the evening, and he says:

"I'm calling to say good night.
I'm going to bed early.

"I'm gonna turn off the phone.
"I Wanted you to knoW in case you
called, and there Was no ansWer."

And do you knoW What I said to him?
"Good night, honey."

Anyone can see it, and I'm saying,
"Good night, honey, sleep tight.

"Don't let the bedbugs bite."
You didn't.
"Don't let the bedbugs bite"?

I did.
- Did you knoW about this?
- No, of course not, Mary Beth.

You and I are the only tWo
people in America

Who did not knoW about it.
His friends kneW. His mother kneW.

- The doorman.
- Mary Beth, I...

- That's not too much, is it?
- No.

I have to go. I just realized something.
I just remembered.

- But I think I left something.
- When are you gonna be back?

I have to see if I'm right.
As soon as I knoW if I'm right...

- I'll be back.
- Well, hoW long's it gonna take you?

I don't knoW.
Just give Annie her supper.
I have to go through some things.

- At least until Mark gets home.
- He be home soon, I'm sure.

He say he go out to buy socks.
