
- ? Que? ? Es para mi?
- La teIevision de Dr Rock.

Si. Es para usted.
? Es Iibro?
Doc, just get outta here. Go, man. Go.
And this one?
No, he's a bad kid. No respect.
He stays here. Or you stay as well.
Este es para mi.
? EI otro no?
Carlos, just say cool, man.
l'll get you out, OK?

- Hello, Cathy. How are you?
- Fine.

- You look a little tired.
- No, l'm fine.

- Ambassador Kelly. Richard Boyle.
- Good to see you again.

- You remember me from the party?
- l do.

l'm sorry. l had actually written
two articles about you in Cambodia,...

..just before the fall of Phnom Penh.
l was the last American journalist out.
Schanberg was chasing his Pulitzer prize.

l was almost getting cholera but we saved
1 100 refugees from the Khmer Rouge.

- Terrible what they did to Cambodia.
- Yes, sir. lt was.

Were you one of the people writin'
'em up as the good guys for a while?

Yes, sir. l'm afraid l was wrong on
that one. But a lot of people were.

lf these guys in the hills took power, the
Pol Pot incident would look like a picnic.

Are they as bad as Major Max
and the Mano Blanca?

l don't know. We got
a pathological killer on the Right,...

..God knows what on the Left,
and a gutless middle.

Anyway, Boyle, about your problem here.
Carol checked with the National Guard,
the police, the regular army.

Nobody seems to know
anything about this boy. We think...
