Stand by Me

Kids barfed on their parents.
A fat lady barfed in her purse.
The Donelley twins barfed on each other.
The Women's Auxiliary barfed all over
the Benevolent Order of Antelopes.

And Lardass just sat back
and enjoyed what he'd created.

A complete and total barfarama.
- Too cool!
- That was the best, just the best.

Then what happened?
What do you mean?
I mean, what happened?
What do you mean, "What happened?"
That's the end.

How can that be the end? What kind of an
ending is that? What happens to Lardass?

I don't know.
Maybe he went home and celebrated
with a couple of cheeseburgers.

Jesus, that ending sucks.
Why don't you make it
so that Lardass goes home...

...and he shoots his father.
Then he runs away
and he joins the Texas Rangers.

How about that?
I don't know.
Something good like that.
I like the ending. The barfing was good.
But there's one thing I didn't understand.
Did Lardass have to pay
to get into the contest?

No, Vern, they just let him in.
Great, great story.
It's a great story.
I just didn't like the ending.

Where's the radio?
Let's see if we can get some sounds.

We talked into the night.
The kind of talk that seemed important
until you discover girls.

All right.
Mickey's a Mouse. Donald's a duck.
Pluto's a dog.

What's Goofy?
If I could only have one food
for the rest of my life?

That's easy. Pez.
Cherry flavoured Pez.
No question about it.

Goofy's a dog. He's definitely a dog.
