The Delta Force

All right, guys. Listen up.
We're landing in Algiers.
Prepare your gear.

Algiers, this is Delta One
requesting permission to land.

This is Boumedienne International
Airport. Permission granted.

American Travelways Flight 282,
this is Boumedienne Airport.

You are cleared to land.
So you men stay with the equipment.
We are gonna go for it this time,
right, Colonel?

Damn right.
This is Delta One. I receive you.
Yes, sir. Just a minute, sir.
Colonel. General Woodbridge, sir.
General, we've got
damn near perfect conditions.

It's just the situation
we've been waiting for.

If we wait any longer,
we can end up with another fiasco.

I'm sorry, Nick. The President
doesn't want to risk any lives.

If he can release our people
by negotiations, that's what he wants.

So until the negotiations break down,
your people are on hold.
