Amazon Women on the Moon

Shit! Fuck!
Hello. I'm Dr. Warren
G. Easterbrook,

Chairman of the President's
Commission on Education,

and I would like to talk to you
about an ever-growing problem...

the short attention span
of today's youth.

Weaned as they are on television,
young people today...

can't seem to pay attention
for more than a few mo...

Pethouse Video presents
an in-depth...

up close and personal look...
at Pethouse Plaything
Taryn Steele.

Oh, so many neat things have
happened to me in my life...

being named homecoming queen,
making the cheerleading squad.

But the neatest thing ever was
when I was recently chosen...

the Pethouse Plaything
of the Month.

But being a Plaything
hasn't changed me.

I'm still the same Taryn.
When I was first chosen,
I was, like, really immature.

But I've grown so much
since then.

I can hardly believe it's me.
I'm a beach person
and a night person.

I really feel sorry for anyone
who doesn't live in California,

'cause we've got it all...
the mountains, the sun.

And, like, there's no humidity.
It really blows me away.
Here, out of the public eye,
I can just fade into the crowd.

In New York, I get hassled all
the time. I don't understand it.

Laguna offers me
peace and solitude...

away from the pressure
ofbeing a Plaything.

Here in Laguna,
I can just let my mind go blank.

Art is my life.
I love to browse
Laguna's art galleries,
