Amazon Women on the Moon

Where am I?
You're on
the Disney Channel.

At least I know you won't
catch anything there.

Fun is fun, Selma, but I
want to come home. I'm trying.

500 million people
are watching via satellite...

as the president and first lady
deplane for this historic Moscow visit.

They look fit and rested.
Wait a minute.

An unidentified man
has emerged from Air Force One.

He seems, believe it or not, to
be clad only in his underwear.

The Secret Service have grabbed
him. Where am I? I'm innocent!

But who is he and how did he get on
board? I was only watching television!

He appears to be deranged.
Help! Selma!

I'm so proud of you, Brenda,
getting through the delivery
without any anesthetic.

Well, I had the best
Lamaze coach in the world.

When do we get to see the baby?
It's been eight hours.

Well, you remember the film
they showed us in class.

There's all kinds of tests they
have to perform on a newborn child.

That's true.

There's my favorite couple.

- Mr. And Mrs. Flanders.
- That's Landers.

Right, right. Flanders
is uremic poisoning on 39.

- So.
- Um...

Nice stitch work,
if I say so myself.

Doctor, we'd like to see our son. The
nurses keep giving us the runaround.

I'd like nothing better than
to bring you both your son,

but have you looked around
this hospital?

There are sick people here.
I just saw this old guy in the hallway
with these gnarly scabs all over his body.

Gross me out!
- I'm not about to expose your little Jeffrey...
- Nicholas.

To that.
I've got a solemn oath
to uphold here. Doctor,

Brenda and I are both
Lamaze graduates,

and we've never heard of
quarantining a healthy infant before.

Ooh, Lamaze.
Well, I forgot that you spent three
whole weekends sitting on a floor...
