Amazon Women on the Moon

London's West End.
Here, in the winter of 1888,
a series of bizarre
and violent murders occurred,

which remain unsolved
to this very day.

Jack the Ripper.
Was he a prosperous
London surgeon?

Perhaps a member
of British royalty.

Well, our Bullshit team
has unearthed...

spectacular new evidence
which suggests...

that Jack the Ripper
was, in fact,

the Loch Ness Monster.
Is it possible
that Nessie...

murdered five streetwalkers
before returning to Loch Ness?

Using undiscovered evidence,
we've pieced together the events
leading up to the first murder.

Although this is
a Bullshit reenactment,

it may have happened
just this way.

Hello, dearie. Show you
a good time for a quid.

Throw the wife in for free.
Oh, gents.

Don't you want a girl
to keep you warm tonight?

Me mum told me there would
be nights like this.

Oh, my!
You are a big one,
now, aren't you?

Come on, darlin'.
Mind you, don't you be
steppin' on my feet now.

Aren't you in an hurry!
Now, will you be careful.

Not so rough, da...
Wait a min...

Is this the way
it happened?

Was Jack the Ripper, in fact, a
60-foot sea serpent from Scotland?
