Gardens of Stone

You got a problem with this boy, Top?
No, sergeant major. Not exactly.
I could hear you
as far as the latrine.

This boy bugger your pet goat
or something?

- Thought I'd drop by, catch the score.
- I think it's a disgrace.

A disgrace that toy soldiers wear
the infantry's crossed rifles.

Especially when the real infantry...
:07:31 crawling through rice paddies
and shit in Vietnam.

I've said it enough
to make me unpopular here.

- Sergeant Hazard.
- Sir.

What's the debate about?
I was telling the sergeant major, the
best thing I could do for my army...

:07:48 to get these snotnoses ready
for the inevitable. I wanna teach...

Clell! You applied for a transfer
and I denied it. Now that's it.

He's the best soldier on this post.
Except for Sergeant Major Nelson.

- What's he doing here?
- He served two tours in Nam.

Captain! New man.
Wanted to meet you.

Outstanding. Come into my office.
We'll have a chat.

- See me when you're through, dildo.
- That's Willow, Top. Common mistake.

So you want to get laid tonight
or you rather have some fun?

The foul mood I'm in,
I'd even hang out with you.

- Sergeant major. Sergeant.
- Sorry, sir.

Sir Butterbar.
- Have a seat.
- Thank you, sir.

- Welcome, Specialist Dildo.
- It's Willow. Specialist Willow.

Oh, so it is. So it is.
Home of record, Fort Huachuca.
You an army brat?

My father is, or was,
a master sergeant, sir.
