Gardens of Stone

- What's he doing here?
- He served two tours in Nam.

Captain! New man.
Wanted to meet you.

Outstanding. Come into my office.
We'll have a chat.

- See me when you're through, dildo.
- That's Willow, Top. Common mistake.

So you want to get laid tonight
or you rather have some fun?

The foul mood I'm in,
I'd even hang out with you.

- Sergeant major. Sergeant.
- Sorry, sir.

Sir Butterbar.
- Have a seat.
- Thank you, sir.

- Welcome, Specialist Dildo.
- It's Willow. Specialist Willow.

Oh, so it is. So it is.
Home of record, Fort Huachuca.
You an army brat?

My father is, or was,
a master sergeant, sir.

- He's retired now.
- I see.

College basketball, starting guard.

We could use another good player,
especially a white one.

Work hard and you'll be an NCO
yourself before you know it.

Sir, I was thinking of shooting
higher than that.

I'm interested in applying for OCS.
I'd like to apply for a transfer
to a line unit in Vietnam, sir.

You don't fully realize the privilege
of serving in the Old Guard.

We're the escort to the president,
the most STRAC outfit in the Army.

Now you listen to me, son.
You got plenty of time for Vietnam.

As for OCS, do a good job
for me here...

:09:50 me you're officer material,
and I'll see that you get a shot.

The Army could use another bright
young shavetail.

- Yes, sir.
- All right, that'll be all.
