Good Morning, Vietnam

We simply need to consider
taking him off the air.

Lieutenant, we get hundreds,
maybe thousands of calls
and letters each week. Fan mail.

He's the first man in the history
of Armed Forces Radio to get fan mail.

Every GI in this country
is glued to his radio twice a day...

at 0600 hours and 1600 hours
to hear that lunatic.

Sir, the man has got
an irreverent tendency.

He did a very off-colour
parody of former VP Nixon.

- I thought it was hilarious.
- Respectfully, sir...

the former V.P. Is a good man
and a decent man.

I know Nixon personally.

He lugs a trainload of shit behind him
that would fertilize the Sinai.

Why, I wouldn't buy an apple from
the son of a bitch, and I consider
him a good, close, personal friend.

Let's get down to business here,
General. What the hell's goin' on here?

We've got a mounting crisis
in this country. We've got
a deejay that the men dearly love.

If you two have personal problems,
solve them, will you?

Thank you, Lieutenant.
Thank you, Lieutenant!
Speak your piece, Dick.
Due respect, sir. I have over 15 years
command experience in this army.

Do you really expect me to run
this radio station with nothin'
to say and no way to do it?

Right now, yes.
Yes, sir.
This is not over yet.
If somebody wants you
- Why are you still here?
- Sparky. Sittin' back, havin'
a cup of formaldehyde here.

You say after you go out with Trinh, you
meet me to talk and discuss about her.

- There's nothing to discuss.
She doesn't like me.
- Yes, she do.

- No, she don't.
- She do liking you.
She want to meet you today.

- She's not far from here.
- I can't. I gotta be back
on the air again at 4:00.

You have to meet her today.
Otherwise you miss your big chance.

- Don't want to miss my big chance.
- Yes. Come. We go.

- You sound like you learned English
from Tonto. "Come. We go."
- Come on.

