
If you're such a genius, how come
you can't keep track of your receipts?

Al, how am I supposed to do
your income tax with this mess here?

Numbers, taxes, receipts--
I make them look better
than they did in real life.

I'm an artistic genius.
Then how come you got butter
on your tie?

Give it here. God.
You know what? I give you this.
You make good coffee.

You're a slob,
but you make good coffee.

Red roses.
Very romantic.
The guy that sends these
really knows what he's doing.

The guy who sends those
spends a lot of money...

on something that ends up
in the garbage.

I'm glad everybody
ain't like you, Loretta.

- I'd be out of business.
- What are you talking? I love flowers.

Thanks, Carmine.
- Are you ready?
- Hello, Bobo. How are you tonight?

- Very good, Mr. Johnny.
- We'll both have the Ticino salad.

- And I'll have special fish.
- Good.

You don't want the fish. It's the oily
fish tonight. Not before the plane ride.

Maybe you're right.
We'll have the manicotti.
That will be a base
for your stomach.

You eat that oily fish,
you go up in the air...

halfway to Sicily you'll be green
and your hands will be sweating.

You look after me.
- You're getting very upset.
- I'm bored with this.

- I don't understand.
- Don't ruin the whole evening.

- Patricia, please don't leave.
- Do you think I'm a talking doll?

I was just making a point
about the way you said...

-the way you stated your aspirations.
-You can kiss my aspirations, Professor!
