
OK. You know where it is, don't you?
Just follow that path out of the house.

I'll join you in one second.
I just wanna finish up.

- They gonna buy?
- Looks like it.

That's great.
Lane, Howard called, and the stand
that sells the corn you like is open again.

- He's gonna bring some over.
- Uh-huh.

What's the matter?
Why are you so depressed?

I just think about Peter all the time.
Lane, just don't. Don't.
I think he's gonna
write that book on my mother.

They're all supposed to go out today
together. If she ever gets up.

Oh, she's up.
She said she'd be a little late.

- Lane, could I speak to you?
- Yes.

- We need you to answer some questions.
- OK.

Their final offer is 175.
175? You said two!
That's as high as they'd go.
This area isn't what it was.

But I've really been counting
on that money.

- Are you sure?
- I'm sorry.

- - Yeah?
- Hi.
- Hi.

Um, Diane said they'd be a little late.
I'll let them know that you're here.

You've really been avoiding me.
I think you should leave
and go back to New York.

I'd like to know what's going on.
I'm having a hard time and, even
though she tries to hide it, Lane is, too.
