
on some low-priority shit detail...
on the off chance that we're gonna run
across some ''bad people.''

And then what are we supposed to do?
We're supposed to give you a jingle...

so that you can make the arrest
and get the keys to the city?

Excuse me, Captain. I'm sorry.
I don't like to sound negative,
but this is bullshit.

I'm a cop.
You understand me?

I'm not a security guard.
I see some ''bad people''...
I'm gonna be a little too busy
to, uh, make a phone call.

Hope the attitude
doesn't affect the performance.

- Would you like to see
how this attitude--
- Are you through, Mr Lecce?

We'll call.
- What an asshole.
- Defiinitely.

Hey! Hey! I don't want to hear
that kind of crap.

And I don't want to hear that
someone else heard it either, got it?

Now, this is a 24-hour surveillance.
Jack and Phil will take the day shift.

- Chris and Bill the nights.
Same routine as last time.
- Aw,Jesus.

- Something bothering you, Mr Coldshank?
- No, no.

Don't bullshit me.
What's on your so-called mind?

Well, if it's all the same to you, sir,
uh, I'd just as soon not be on
a stake-out with them again.

- Hear, hear, sir.
- Why?

- Why?
- Yeah. Why?

- Chris and Bill are slobs, sir.
No, no. No, no, no.
- The worst. The worst.

The last stake-out that Jack and I
were on with them, they never once
cleaned up after themselves.

- I mean, look at them. Smell them.
- Lick my left one, buddy.

- You left cigar butts
all over the place.
- Oh, please.

- You guys never once changed the toilet
paper. What, you don't wipe yourself?
- You are disgusting.

- You are fiilth.
- Hey, what about his dog?

- He let his dog
piss all over the carpet.
- Hey, that's a goddam lie!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Don't blame it on the dog.
Phil did all the pissing.

- How'd you like me to piss on you?
- Sit down!
- You see this?
- Sit down!

- Think I broke my zipper.
- That's enough.

Now, this is not an invitation
to a prom, boys.

I don't give a shit
if you don't like the date.
