Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Let's try the other way.
Enterprise, we've got a problem.
What kind of problem?
I'm not sure. A kind ofslick
is blocking our path.

Will keep you apprised.
- Maintain an open frequency.
- Aye, sir.

- Analysis, Mr Data.
- Inconclusive, sir.

I cannot tell you what it is,
but I can tell you what it is not.

No evidence of neural
or circulatory systems.

No internal organs.
Cellular structure unknown.
No proteins known to us.
It's narrow here. We can get over it.
- How is it moving?
- I do not know, sir.

It does not have a skeletal framework
or musculature.

Then what's causing it to move?
It appears to be following us, sir.
No sign of intelligence, no brain,
yet evidence of thought?

Insufficient information, sir.
Is it a life form, Data?
Again, insufficient information, sir.
It is possible.
Very good, Tin Man!
What is it, Number One?
What are you seeing?
