Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

We've known one another for years.
Tell me what you believe is wrong.

Captain, it is vitally important
that my orders be followed exactly.

- I'll be staying on the ship.
- As you wish, Admiral.

- What is it?
- What?

The unit you just put down.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

A flux coordinating sensor unit.
I'm Oliana Mirren,
another finalist.

- You must be Wesley Crusher.
- Yeah.

Do you know me?
I heard there was a very smart,
very young man

who'd be tough competition.
- You wouldn't be here...
- If I weren't smart. I know.

But there's a lot more to it
than that.

You're lucky. You've had experience
aboard the Enterprise.

- T'Shanik of Vulcana Regar.
- Wesley Crusher of the Enterprise.

You do not look as if
you meet the age requirements.

- I'll be 1 6 next month.
- Happy birthday!

Excuse me.
I'm Wesley Crusher.
The Mordock?
The Benzite who constructed
the Mordock Strategy?

- I thought you were in the Academy.
- No.

Only a hopeful. Like you.
Finalists, please take your seats.
