The Lost Boys

Well, on second thought....
I told you not to come in here anymore.
Wild kids.
Oh, they're just young.
We were that age, too, once.

Only they dress better. Bye-bye.
You have a generous nature.
I like that in a person.

-My name is Max.
-I'm Lucy.

-That's my dog, Thorn.
-Hi, Thorn.

Say "hello," Thorn.
So how may I help you this evening?
We have it all.
The best selection of video tapes
in Santa Carla.

No, I'm not looking for a tape.
What I need is...
A job?
...a job.
Yeah. I look that needy, huh?
-Where are we going?

So what's the rush?
You're chasing that girl, aren't you?
Come on, admit it. You're chasing her.
I'm at the mercy of your sex glands.
Don't you have something better to do
than follow me around all night?

Actually, I do.
Got a problem guys?
Just scoping your civilian wardrobe.
Pretty cool, huh?
For a fashion victim.
If you're looking for
the diet frozen-yogurt bar...
