A Cry in the Dark

I’m in charge of the
Chamberlain investigation now.

Oh. Darwin. Politics?
Been reading through your reports.
This doctor’s rumours from Mount Isa.
Did you check it out?

Yes, I have. They seem groundless.
What about this stuff about
”sacrifice in the wilderness”, the name?

- Azaria?
- It’s a pretty weird name, isn’t it?

I heard it means
sacrifice in the bloody wilderness.

What, do you reckon they took
the kid up there to sacrifice it?

Yeah, they probably did.
- The kid was always dressed in black.
- So was the mother.

She dressed it in black.
I heard a rumour that the kid was
really cracked and she couldn’t handle it.

He’d already fallen out of the trolley jeep.
Now, if something was wrong with him...

- And they’re Seventh Day Adventists.
- They don’t Iike abnormaI children.

Tell me what really happened to your
little sister. I won’t tell anybody else...

Sergeant Charlwood, could you identify
the doctor that made those allegations?

No comment.
These are the slides I forgot to pick up
before we went to the... away.

Mum and Dad! Come and have a look.
"(Lindy)" Oh, yes. It’s a new bike.
That’s Reagan.
I didn’t realise. I thought...
It must have been at the end of a roll.
I quite like that one.
It’s when she still had her hair.
She was so beautiful. I wish you’d...
I wish I’d seen her.
The last time I stood before you was also
at the invitation of the Chamberlain family.
