A Cry in the Dark

Sergeant Charlwood, could you identify
the doctor that made those allegations?

No comment.
These are the slides I forgot to pick up
before we went to the... away.

Mum and Dad! Come and have a look.
"(Lindy)" Oh, yes. It’s a new bike.
That’s Reagan.
I didn’t realise. I thought...
It must have been at the end of a roll.
I quite like that one.
It’s when she still had her hair.
She was so beautiful. I wish you’d...
I wish I’d seen her.
The last time I stood before you was also
at the invitation of the Chamberlain family.

That was a happier day.
We celebrated the birth
of their little daughter.

We welcomed her
into the heart of our church,

dedicating her life to God and asking for
his blessing and guidance in her life,

a life that has suddenly, sadly, ended.
A lot of people watching would ask
why you’re prepared to be interviewed.

Hey, darl, come and have a look at this.
Why are you making your grief so public?
Jesus, what a wanker.
(Michael) We believe that this experience
has been needful for a lot of people,

if they can realise too that...
that there is a chance,
that there is an opportunity

to be at peace, to be at rest,
with the help of the Lord.

Michael’s not in jail!
No! He’s not!
He’s at a church convention in Townsville.
