
You lose, American asshole.
Looks like she's mine.
Now leave the lady alone.
You understand that?

Why were you with Hossein?
I've been trying
to get a story on the kumite.

I'm a reporter.
He tell you anything?
He told me I had nice legs.
He's right about that.
Why is it that no one
will talk about the kumite?

What is this air of mystery?
I'm just trying to find out
what it's all about.

Why are you fighting in it?
It's personal.
You want to prove
your manood to the world?

The kumite is for the fighters,
not for the people who read newspapers.

I've heard that it's unnecessarily brutal...
:32:09 a cockfight, except it's with people.
You have the wrong picture.
Well, you tell me about it then.
I want to have the right picture.
Okay, I'll talk to you, but one condition.
What's that?
You agree to have dinner with me
tomorrow night.

Well, actually, I was hoping
Hossein would be free.

That hurts me, just looking at it.
Yo, Frankie!
Earth to Frankie.
