Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.

I can go out with Brady tomorrow night.
It's no big deal.

But you wanted to go out tonight.
It's my fault you can't.

Well, tonight we're going to do something better.
We're going to go trick-or-treating.

I don't want to.
It's Halloween! I mean: don't you want to get dressed up
in a really scary costume and get some candy?

How 'bout this afternoon I pick you up
from school and we go get ice cream?

Double scoops?
Double scoops.
Now let's get some breakfast.

Dr. Quinn, call 7402.
Why wasn't I notified?
About what?
- You know damn well about what.

You let them take it out of here.
For Christ's sake, spare me the speech.
I've listened to it for a decade.

The fact is that Michael Myers was a federal patient and
a federal prisoner. Therefore he's subject to federal law.

We're not talking about any ordinary prisoner, Hoffman.
We are talking about an evil on two legs.

I can see this is useless.
Do you know what today is?
Do you know the date?
Every day I look at myself in the mirror and ...
And every day I remember.
Look at me ... Hoffman!
Take a good look!
I don't want anyone to have to live
through that night again.

I've said this before.
I think you're the one who needs mental help.
