Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

You can't kill damnation, mister.
It don't die like a man dies.
I know that, Mr. Sayer.
Oh, you're a pilgrim, all right!
I saw it on your face
back there in the dust.

I saw it clear as breasts and blue suede shoes.
Would you like a drink?

* Yes, we'll gather at the river *
* The beautiful, beautiful river *
* Gather with the saints at the river *
Okay Jamie, we're leaving.
Where's Rach?
- I don't know.

Here I am.
Come on, hon.
How do we look?
You guys always look great.
We'll be at the Fallbrooks.
The number's next to the phone. I know, and next to that
is Police, hospital, fire and probably the National Guard.

I want you two to have fun tonight.
Make sure Jamie's in bed by 9:30.

You're gonna be late.
You don't wanna blow your promotion.

Don't make fun. Tonight is the difference
between vacations in Bermuda ...

... or spending another two weeks
with your grandmother in Cleveland. So hurry up.

See ya.
- Good luck, dad.

Rachel?... Can I get my costume on?
- Yeah. Hurry up.

Is Brady there?
He's not back from work yet?
Well, when he comes in, could you tell him
to drop by about eight? I should be home by then.
