La Lectrice

"As war was on, going on
I get blinkered, I'm drafted"

"As there was war, war going on
Life became dear, things were scarce"

"The scarcer they were, more I was eyed
With strange eyes and chattering teeth"

"They called me beefsteak
I thought it was English, gee up!"

"All who were living and loving"
"Were awaiting my death,
so they could eat me"

"One night in the stables,
a night I was sleeping"

"I heard a weird sound,
a voice that I knew,"

"The old general had returned
like a ghost with an old friend"

"Thinking I was sleeping,
they spoke very softly:"

"Enough of watery rice
we need to chew on red meat"

"Just add to his oats
some needles for a treat"

"My heart missed a beat
like a circus pony"

"Dashing out of the stable
I hid in the spinney"

"Now the war is over
The old general is dead"

"Dead in his bed
Dead of a fine death"

"But I am alive
and that's the main thing"

"Good evening, good night"
"Bon appétit, dear general"
It's the advert.
Not funny, sorry...
I'm not funny. I have to admit it.
Sit down. Sorry...
I'm quite idiotic.
Deficient, if you prefer.
No, I like idiotic. It's nicer.
No, not all.
You're just a little overworked...

Yes, I do a lot of business,
I work a lot.

I have a lot of responsibility.
I travel a lot,
I do everything a lot.
