Midnight Run

-Bouchet. Good. $900, right?
-No, it's $1,200.

No, $900.
That's $1,200. Come on.
No. Yeah, you're right.
My stomach's killin' me. l'm goin'
to Chin Loo's. l want to talk to you.

About what?
-l'll talk to you over there.
-Could l have my money first?

Of course.
Do you think l'm gonna stiff you?
You? Never!
He would never try and stiff me.

-Do l detect some sarcasm here?

Where have l inherited this reputation?
l have never done business with anybody,
and Jerry is my witness...

...that l have ever, ever....
Has that phone ever rang
with a complaint about me?

Never. So let's go.
l'll buy you some breakfast.

-l don't eat breakfast.
-Then have an early lunch.

You ever hear of a guy named Mardukas?
-The Duke. l know who he is.
-What do you know?

He's an accountant that embezzled millions
from a Vegas guy and gave it to charity.

Only thing is, that it wasn't a couple
of million. lt was $15 million.

lt wasn't some Vegas wise guy.
lt was Jimmy Serrano.

l know. l can read the papers.
l don't want to bring up the past, but...
...isn't Serrano the guy who ran you out
of Chicago when he was runnin' things?

He didn't run me out.
Right. You gave up bein' a cop
to do this shit?

-What's the point?
-The point, Jack:

l bailed out the accountant.
l didn't know who he was at the time.

Had l known,
no way l would've put up the bond.

lt's only a matter of time
before Serrano makes this guy vanish...

...and l'm out $450,000.
You're out $450,000 on this guy?

Because l got you, and you're the best,
and you're gonna find him.

How do you even know this guy is alive?
Because this guy is crazy.
He sends postcards to Serrano.

He's tellin' him what a great time
he's havin' with his money.

How much time you got left?
Friday at midnight l default.
l eat the $450,000.

This Friday? That's five days.
-Forget it. Give me my money.
-Listen to me.
