Midnight Run

You deserve to go where you're goin',
and l'm gonna take you there.

lf l hear any more shit from you...
...l'll bust your head,
l'll put you back in that hole...

...l'll stick your head in the toilet bowl
and make it stay there.

l have to tell you,
a restaurant is a very tricky investment.

More than half of them go under
within the first six months.

lf l were your accountant,
l'd have to advise you against it.

You would? You're not my accountant.
lf l were your accountant--
l told you, l took you out here--
No, l'm just saying that
it's a very tricky business and...

...if l were your accountant, l'd really have
to advise you against it, as an accountant.

-You're not my accountant.
-l realize l'm not your accountant.

l'm just saying if l were your accountant.
How the hell could he miss the plane?
He called from the airport!

All right. Time to bring in Marvin.
Call him up. He's in Pittsburgh.

-Marvin Dorfler?
-Yeah, Dorfler.

Under ''D'' in the Rolodex for ''jerk,'' Jerry.
Can l at least have some french fries?
l said no, pecker breath. Now shut up.
Marvin? Sweetheart, am l glad l got you!
-Boy, do l have ajob for you!
-Yeah? l'm listening.

l gotta apologize,
because we were trying to find you...

...and it's an important job,
but l couldn't find you.

l had to give it to Walsh, but now...
...he's fucking it up--
Why do you keep hiring that guy?
l know. l apologize. You are the best
at what you do. You know that?

Do you know who Mardukas is?
-Jonathan Mardukas, the Duke?

-l never heard of him.
-That's not important.

What's important is that you find him
and bring him back.

Last l heard, he had him in New York,
and now l don't know where they are.

lfyou find him,
l'll give you what l'm givin' Walsh.

What's that?
