Miracle Mile

The power went out in the hotel,
and I just slept right through.

So, well, it's 4:00
here at Johnie's, and...

listen, if you want
to come on down...

and we'll go out for
a little champagne breakfast...

or something,
it would be great.

Otherwise, I guess
I'll call you tomorrow...

and, listen, I'm really,
really sorry about this.

Good night.
Dad, it's me, Chip. How come
the phone was busy just now?

Jesus. Look.
I had to wake you, and...

it's... it's happening!
I can't believe it...

but we're locked into it.
Fifty minutes and counting.

Christ, I just can't take it!
I can't fucking take it!

I'm sorry, dad.
I shouldn't swear.

I'm sorry, but this is it.
This is really it!
This is the big one!

Thor Arthur 66 ZZD.
I told you what would happen
if it ever came down.

Well, it is! We don't know why!
Why would we, huh?

It's for real, dad!
It's no drill!

We shoot our wad
in fifty minutes.

They're going to
pick us up in five or ten...

and you could get it back
in an hour and ten.

Maybe seventy-five minutes!
What exactly
are you talking about?

I'm talking about
nuclear fucking war.

Who is this?
Where's my dad? Go get my dad!
Your dad?
Look, there's nobody here.

Where's he supposed to be?
How the hell would I know?
You're in Orange County.
I'm in North Dakota.

Is this some kind of prank
or something?
