
- Well?
- Well, what?

Did you get the bonus?
I'm drying my head with it.
We'll be OK.
What are you doing in there?
Trimming the tree.

- We don't have a tree, Mom.
- We do now.

- NO!
- Yes!

- Don't plug him in!
- Plug him in.

Take it off. Take it off him.
Oh, but Mom, he looks so pretty.
He's so cute!
- When are we gonna get a real tree?
- When they're free.

- Have you seen the paper, Frank?
- Ooh, she's pretty!

She's dead, Frank!
This 80-year-old grandmother
was watching your "Scrooge" promo

and she keeled over.
It scared her to death.
This is terrific!!
I knew that ad worked!
You can't buy publicity like this!
Excuse me.
Mr Cross, you're needed on the set.
Run that promo EVERY half hour!
I want a disclaimer. "Anyone with
a heart condition MUST not watch."

- Where were we?
- I was being haunted.

No, it's got to be REAL gold.
I don't understand why I can't get
anybody to do what I want.

Gimme a break.
I will not allow
this costume on the air.
