Tequila Sunrise

I didn't want her getting hurt.
Is that why you told her
about Carlos?

So she could identify him?
Is that your way of making sure
she doesn't get hurt?

Okay, I fucked up.
I've been seeing a lot of Jo Ann
and it affected my judgment here.

If you want to go after Carlos,
go after him.

Just don't use me to do it, okay?
I don't get it.
He saves your life in a Mexican
prison, so you owe him for 20 years?

-None of my business.

By the way, you told Jo Ann
about the party, didn't you?

No. You got it backwards.
She told me.
Then I guess she got it
backwards, huh?

That's understandable.
You confronting her like that,
she probably got flustered.

After all. . .
. . .she's not used to that.
She's a very traditional girl.
By the way, wish Cody
a happy birthday for me, will you?

Would you hold, please?
What do I do
with Mr. McCussky's tip?
