The Dead Pool

Newspapers print the Dead Pool
and it hurts our investigation.

What bothers you...
:34:06 that we found out about
the Dead Pool first.

You people take Janero and the Dead
Pool, add hype and distortion...

...and innocent people get hurt.
Aren't you overreacting?
I've seen it happen.
I don't like the hype, either...
...but it happens when reporters
compete for a story.

Why don't you start thinking about
your responsibility to the public?

You can't kill the messenger
because of the message.

I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention
to screw up your investigation.

Here's the list. Now, excuse me.
It seems I owe you one.
Dinner, that is.
I was offered a job as an anchor
at this small local station.

...I was first runner-up
in Miss Colorado.

Colorado? We're right over here.
But I had absolutely no experience,
just my bachelor's in journalism.

But it was a way in, so I grabbed it.
But I didn't just smile at
the camera and read copy.

I did anything and everything
at this station.

Sports, news, hard news, weather.
I produced documentaries.
I love San Francisco.
But it isn't easy.
Big city, big news.
I had to prove myself all over again.
Have you succeeded?
Apparently not with you.
I shouldn't complain. At least you
stayed for dinner this time.

I'd still love to do your story.
