The Dead Pool

...I was first runner-up
in Miss Colorado.

Colorado? We're right over here.
But I had absolutely no experience,
just my bachelor's in journalism.

But it was a way in, so I grabbed it.
But I didn't just smile at
the camera and read copy.

I did anything and everything
at this station.

Sports, news, hard news, weather.
I produced documentaries.
I love San Francisco.
But it isn't easy.
Big city, big news.
I had to prove myself all over again.
Have you succeeded?
Apparently not with you.
I shouldn't complain. At least you
stayed for dinner this time.

I'd still love to do your story.
No, thanks.
You're wrong about me, Callahan,
and what I want to do.

I wish I could convince you.
I'll tell you what.
Let's think on it.
Sounds fair.
Thank you.
It's the truth,
I don't care what you say.

Hey, Callahan.
- You're Callahan, aren't you?
- That's right.

What can I do for you?
You're the cop who put Janero away.
All I want is your autograph.
Can I shake your hand?
