The Seventh Sign

Well, 2:29, it`s a Bible heading.
Chapter and verse.

Chapter 2, verse 29.
Are you sure?
The whole page is a quote from the Bible.
Book of Joel 2:29.

Can you read it for me?
"Even upon the menservants
and maidservants in those days...

"...l will pour out my spirit.
"And l will give portents in the heavens
and on the earth...

"...blood and fire and columns of smoke.
"The sun shall be turned to darkness,
and the moon to blood...

"...before the great and terrible day
of the Lord comes."

What is "the great and terrible day"?
When God passes judgement
on mankind for its sins.

lt`s about the Apocalypse.
Come on! The end of the world?
That`s what the portents are.
The sun going dark, the moon turning red.

They foretell the end of the world.
There`s a whole chain of signs,
like a countdown.

Earthquakes, plagues,
water turning to blood.

All kinds of weird natural disasters.
They`re to warn us that God`s wrath
is about to destroy the world.

That`s what this paper`s about?
Yeah, the signs of the end.
Didn`t you go to Sunday school?
A long time ago. But they taught us
that God was a God of love.

Are you okay?
But what do Biblical prophecies
have to do with the baby?

Avi, would you translate it anyway,
just to be sure?

Here`s my number.
-l guess l could have it for you tomorrow.
-That would be great.

-Okay, Mrs. Quinn.
