Christmas Vacation

Me? Heck, no.
Take a look at this.
I just hope my Christmas bonus check
will cover it.

Oh, my God. You're putting in a pool.
I went ahead and I put
a $7,500 deposit down on it.

You're the last true family man.
That's Bill, sir.
Are you the one who's working
on that non-nutritive cereal varnish?

Yes, sir.
I've got to give a speech to a trade group.
I'd like to mention it.

Write up a brief summary
and have it to me by the end of the day.

My pleasure.
Layman's terms. None of that inside,
bullshit jargon that nobody understands.

Yes, sir.
Oh, Mr. Shirley...
We got your Christmas card
the other day, and...

:14:00 family and I are very flattered
that you remembered us.

Corporate cards.
Don't forget that report, Bill.
Yes, sir. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Kiss my ass.
Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass.

Happy Hanukkah.
Can I show you something?
I was just smelling... smiling.
I was blouse... browsing.
For your wife or girlfriend?
