Henry V

[Door opens]
From our brother England?
From him, and thus
he greets your majesty.

He wills you, in the
name of God almighty,

that you divest yourself
and lay apart...

the borrowed glories
that by gift of heaven,

by law of nature
and of nations,

belongs to him
and to his heirs.

Namely, the crown.
Willing you overlook
this pedigree.

And when you find him
evenly derived...

from his most famed of famous
ancestors, Edward the III,

he bids you then resign your crown
and kingdom, indirectly held from him,

the native and true challenger.
Or else what follows?
Bloody constraint.
For if you hide the crown,
even in your hearts,

there will he rake for it.
Therefore, in fierce
tempest is he coming,

in thunder and in earthquake,
like a Jove,

that if requiring fail,
he will compel.

This is his claim,
his threatening and my message.

Unless the Dauphin
be in presence here,

to whom expressly
I bring greeting to.

For the Dauphin,
I stand here for him.
What to him from England?
Scorn and defiance,
slight regard, contempt...
