How to Get Ahead in Advertising

It's been forced on me.
I just had them on the phone.

They are phoning me back, and
I've got to give them something.

Just tell them it's
going to be wonderful. Hi, Harry.

I told them that.
Apart from 15 calls a day,
they couldn't be happier.

They're getting impatient. We promised
them the enigmatic over a week ago.

I'll be frank with you, Bagley.
I'm running out of bullshit.

- Try massaging your temples.
- I've got to give them a date.

Either a date or some idea
of what you're coming up with.

I'm coming up with a brilliant
advertisement for a dull pimple cream.

Then why can't I take a look?
Why can't I see something...

you know, just a storyboard
or some roughs, anything...

so as I can give them an idea
of the direction you're going in?

- No. Any calls?
- Mr. Bristol called twice.

- I hope you told him I was out.
- Yes, Mr. Bagley. You were out.

Good. If he calls again,
I'm still out.

Bagley, you have got
to give me a date.

All right, try Monday on him.
And don't get so panicky.

Nobody ever remembers a late delivery,
Richard. They only remember a bad one.

Boil busters.
The boil busters.

Your face can be
a battleground.

You need something tough.
What do they want
another pimple cream for?

There's a lot
of boils out there. Bagley.

Nobody cares as much
about your skin as you do,

but we do try.
And because we care...
we went to an expert,
Mother Nature,
and we discovered that sometimes
the most effective way...

of dealing with those
troublesome little breakouts...

is Mother Nature's own
richest source of Vitamin A.

So... we took
essential oils...
