January Man

I should go.
You should.
You hate the food
and you married the wrong man.

I'll get my coat.
I am not gonna sleep with you
while you're married.

I'm not gonna sleep with you!
That's right! You're not!
Not if you beg me on your knees.

I may covet my brother's wife,
but I won't boff her.

- You have not changed.
- Neither have you, but you should.

Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris.
- Haven't you missed me?
- Please, don't.

When you close your eyes,
don't you see my face?

Nick, don't.
How do you make love to him after me?
How do you get wet?
Do you think about the money?

- There was a cheque.
- What?

The last night I saw you.
Two years ago, here.

There was a cancelled cheque
on the table.

I don't know what you're talking about.
There was a cancelled cheque
on that table right there,

made out to my brother Frank.
After you left, it was gone.
- Are you accusing me?
- I'm telling you.

Well, you're wrong.
Thanks for stopping by.
