January Man

How do you get wet?
Do you think about the money?

- There was a cheque.
- What?

The last night I saw you.
Two years ago, here.

There was a cancelled cheque
on the table.

I don't know what you're talking about.
There was a cancelled cheque
on that table right there,

made out to my brother Frank.
After you left, it was gone.
- Are you accusing me?
- I'm telling you.

Well, you're wrong.
Thanks for stopping by.
(mayor) I've got one more minute.
I can take one question.

Do you think Nick Starkey can expect
the support of the police department,

given his departure of two years ago?
Understand this - there was
no hard evidence of graft, right?

- What's going to happen to him?
- Let me finish or you can come and do it.

All right. Now, because he was under
a cloud, we were under a cloud.

So we made what you might call
a political decision.

And he was wonderful. He put
the department's good ahead of his good.

He could have fought it, but he knew what
he'd destroy, and I respect him for that.

And at this moment
I think he's the obvious choice,

in this dangerous juncture of time,
to lead the investigation.

We have to do something, and I think that
Lieutenant Starkey can make it happen.

That's all for today.
The show is over. I gotta go.

