Kuroi ame

Dicen que hay una carpa gigante
en el estanque.

Sí, la reina.
Ya la he visto.

¿Le ha sentado bien
la sangre de carpa?

Sí, gracias.
Me hizo entrar en calor.

Cuando no se tiene hambre
la fruta también entra bien.

Nos matamos a trabajar...
mientras otros sólo vaguean...

En serio, eso no se hace.
What? You're wrong.
Everyone has the right to fish
in this pond.

Don't you know?
I do. That's why you fish
here all day long.

That's why I called you
happy-go-lucky people.

Damn widow!
Look at the line.
She makes me angry.
She forgot how Hiroshima
and Nagasaki were destroyed.

Everyone forgot it.
They forgot the hell of fire,
and go to rallies...

I'm sick of it.
Don't say such things in public.
Look, it's hooked.
It's small.
