Nuovo cinema Paradiso

A big hand for Ciccio.
Any room for me in this new paradise?
Bring him home after you close.
l'm going, Alfredo.

l'm glad you came.
How are things at school?
Fine, but now that l'm working...
Maybe l won't go anymore.
No, no, Toto. Don't do that.
You'll end up regretting it.
What do you mean?
What l mean is...
This isn't your real work.

Right now, the Paradiso needs you,
and you need the Paradiso,

but it's only temporary.
One day, you'll go on to other things.
Things that are more important.
Definitely more important.

l've lost my sight...but l see better.
l see things l never saw before.
l thank you for saving my life.
l won't forget it.

And don't look that way.
l'm not senile yet! You want proof?
