
Someone´s climbed to the roof
of the bell tower with a rifle!

lt´s Kevin Buckman.
His father totally screwed him up.

What´s he yelling?
You made me play second base!
Kevin, l´m sorry.
l did the best l could.

Nice shot, son.
lt´s important to be supportive.

Come on. Let´s sing
one of the old tunes.

When you´re sliding into home
and your pants are full of foam

Why are you pouring water
through my diaphragm?

To check.
To see if it´s okay.
You didn´t know l did that, huh?

Obviously not,
or you wouldn´t have tried this.

Are you accusing me
of making that hole?

No, a woodpecker came in here,
went into the bathroom...

opened the drawer with his wing
and pecked holes in your diaphragm.

l can´t believe you would jeopardize
our plan. Remember what we read?

A majority of exceptional people
are either only children...

or firstborns
with five years between sibs.

- We agreed--
- No, you agreed.

And they´re not sibs.
They´re babies, and l want another one.

So this is how you go about it?
By vandalizing your contraception?

- Because you won´t discuss it!
- We discussed this years ago!

l think we were wrong.
l think we were right,
and l´m not discussing it again.

- Tod?
- Yeah?

- Do you want me to make breakfast?
- No, thanks, Helen.

- Julie´s gonna do it.
- l´ll get the fire extinguisher.
