Road House

You're out, too.
We're seIIing booze here, not drugs.

Thank you.
Anybody eIse here deaIing?
I'm teIIing you straight.
It's my way or the highway.
So anybody wants to waIk, do it now.
AII right.
PeopIe who reaIIy wanna have a good
time won't come to a sIaughterhouse.

And we've got entireIy
too many troubIemakers here.

Too many 40-year-oId adoIescents,
feIons, power drinkers...

..and trustees of modern chemistry.
It's going to change.
Man, that sure sounds good.
But a Iot of the guys who come in here,
we can't handIe one-on-one.

- Even two-on-one.
- Don't worry about it.

AII you have to do
is foIIow three simpIe ruIes.

One: never underestimate your opponent.
Expect the unexpected.
Two: take it outside.
Never start anything inside the bar
unIess it's absoIuteIy necessary.

And three: be nice.
Come on.
If somebody gets in your face and caIIs
you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice.

Ask him to waIk, be nice.
If he won't waIk, waIk him. But be nice.
If you can't waIk him,
one of the others wiII heIp you.

And you'II both be nice.
I want you to remember that it's a job.
- It's nothing personaI.
- Uh-huh.

Being caIIed a cocksucker isn't personaI?
