The Little Mermaid

when I lived in the palace.
And, now, look at me.
Wasted away to
practically nothing.

Banished and exiled
and practically starving...

while he and his flimsy
fish folk celebrate.

Well, I'll give 'em something
to celebrate soon enough.

Flotsam! Jetsam!
I want you to keep an extra close watch
on this pretty little daughter of his.

She may be the key
to Triton's undoing.

I just don't know what we're going
to do with you, young lady.

Daddy, I'm sorry.
I just forgot.

-As a result of your careless behavior--
-Careless and reckless behavior'

The entire celebration
was, uh--

Well, it was ruined! That's all!
Completely destroyed!

This concert was to be the pinnacle
of my distinguished career.

Now, thanks to you, I am
the laughingstock ofthe entire kingdom!

But it wasn't her fault--
Uh, oh, first, uh, the shark chased us.

Yeah, yeah. And we tried to--
but we couldn't, and he--

And-- And we--

And then we were safe.
But then this seagull came, and it was,
"This is this, and that is that." And--

What? Oh.

You went up to the surface
again, didn't you? Didn't you?

- Nothing happened.
- Oh, Ariel, how many times
must we go through this?

You could have been seen by one of those
barbarians, by-by one of those humans'

- Daddy, they're not barbarians.
- They are dangerous.

Do you think I want to see
my youngest daughter...

snared by some fish-eater's hook?
I'm 16 years old.
I'm not a child anymore.

Don't you take that tone
of voice with me, young lady"

As long as you live under my ocean,
you'll obey my rules'
