The Seinfeld Chronicles

And you broke up with her
'cuz she beat you at chess?

That's pretty sick.
I don't see how I could perform sexually
in a situation after something like that.

I was completely emasculated.
Anyway, it's not the only reason.
Yeah, what else?

All right. You wanna know
what one of her favorite expressions is?

Happy, Pappy?
Happy, Pappy? What does that mean?
Like if she wants to know if I'm pleased
with something, she'll say, "Happy, Pappy?"

Oh, you're "Pappy".
I'm "Pappy".
Oh, I get it.

So that's not so bad.
Oh, come on. What, are you kidding?

So tell her not to say it.
I'm much more comfortable
criticizing people behind there backs.

Anyway, look who's talking.
You just broke up with with Melanie last week
because she "shuushed you"

while you were watching TV.
Hey, I got a real thing about "shushing"!
What is this?
Did you ever get the feeling like you've had
a haircut but you didn't have one?

I'm all itchy back here.

What is this?
What are we doing?
What in god's name are we doing?

What kind of lives are these?
We're like children. We're not men.
No, we're not. We're not men.
We come up with all these stupid reasons
to break up with these women.

I know. I know.
That's what I do. That's what I do.

Are we going to be sitting here
when we're sixty like two idiots?

We should be having dinner
with our sons when we're sixty.

We're patheticÂ… you know that?
Yeah, like I don't know that I'm pathetic.
Why can't I be normal?
Yes. Me, too.
I wanna be normal. Normal.

It would be nice to care about someone.

Yes. Care.
You know who I think about a lot?
