Uncle Buck

I'll get you a mouse
and a piece ofsheet metal.

- Lighten up, will you?
- Don't push my buttons.

I'm not pushing your buttons.
I know me.

I know what I like.
I like my friends, my freedom.
I like knowing I can go golfii ng
anytime I want.

I don't hurt anybody.
I don't see what the problem is.

That is the best formula for loneliness
I ever heard.

- Why are we arguing?
- We're talking.

I said I'd be at work in the morning.
I'll be there.

I've got to get this out.
I know I'm harping,
but let me say it.

I'm working on history,
on the past.

You're gonna show up? Swear to God?
In the a.m.? Promise?

Chanice, I'll be honest with you.
If I could think ofan excuse
that you would buy, I'd use it.

- Oh, God!
- What?

Just a second.
It's your aunt.

What happened?
Your dad had a heart attack.
Who's gonna watch the kids?
She's right across the street.

She's the last person
I'd ask for a favor.

What about the Nevilles?
Would you call them?
I want to leave as soon as we can.
I am so helpless here.
Don't start getting down
on why we moved.

It has nothing to do
with what happened.

