Uncle Buck

This isjust a thought.
What about Buck?
I'm sure he'd be glad to help out.

This is not the time
to discuss your brother.

- I don't want him here.
- It'sjust a suggestion.

He doesn't have kids. He isn't married.
He doesn't even work!

He's a little out there,
but he's responsible and he's family.

Buck is not the kind of guy
I feel comfortable leaving my kids with.

The trashy people he hangs out with.
That woman who sells tires.
The horse racing, the gambling.
Can you see him in this house?

Call the Nevilles.
Are we going to Indianapolis?
Daddy and I are.
And we're not?
No, that's not a good idea.
I loved my father very much.
So why did you move away from him?
If my family moved away from me,
I'd have a heart attack too.

I see.
- Who will take care of us?
- Mr. and Mrs. Neville.

- Is that a joke?
- You don't like the Nevilles?

- The dog's a ball sniffer.
- Don't talk like that.

Mr. Neville yelled at Michael because
their dog was sniffii ng Michael's balls.

- Don't use that word.
- I don't know another word.

We can talk to Mr. Neville
about the dog.

Sorry, honey.
They're in Florida.

You get in bed.
You have to get up for school.
- Who's in Florida?
- Get back in bed.

- What's the other word for balls?
- Get in bed.
