Uncle Buck

- Hungry?
- No.

Sure you are. Everybody loves breakfast.
You gotta have a good breakfast.

Start the day off right.
- So where are the other ones?
- Other ones what?

The other kids.
They have names.
Miles and Maizy.

Are Miles and Maizy up yet?
I woke them, thankyou.
There you go.
Are you deaf?
I said I wasn't hungry.

That's one of my specialties.
I'd rather starve.
Does your mom know
you drink coffee?

I'm not doing it to impress you.
I appreciate that.
Is there a reason why
you're giving me a hard time?

Am I giving you a hard time?
Well, I don't know.
- How you doin'?
- Who are you?

I'm your Uncle Buck.
- Do I have an uncle?
- Unfortunately.

Holy smokes!
He's cooking our garbage.
Where's your sister--
Her name is Maizy,
for the second time.

You must be hungry.
Just foryou.
Oh, my God!
He put onions in the eggs.

I'm gonna check on Maizy.
I'll fiix you cereal when I get back.
