Uncle Buck

Watch the Sterno, will you?
Watch your fii ngers.
What's a ''Chanice''?
That's someone who's sometimes seen
around a Buck.

Your girlfriend?
A friend.
And, yes, she is a girl.

Are you supposed to marry her?
The subject has come up,
but nothing serious.

Maybe ifyou got married,
you'd stop being such an asshole.

- Cigar?
- No, thanks.

- Let me know ifyou change your mind.
- I will.

I'll get it nice and juicy foryou.
This is where you separate
the men from the boys.

Easy. Easy.
There you go.
Yeah, I got you now.

Happy birthday!
I hope you're hungry.
You should see the toast.
I couldn't get it through the door.

Announcement here. There's going
to be a delay on the clown.

- What clown?
- Miles' mom hired a clown.
